

Create aliases for commands. Aliases are alternative names/shortcuts for commands. They can act as both a lambda (storing arguments for repeated use) or as simply a shortcut to saying "x y z". When run, aliases will accept any additional arguments and append them to the stored alias.

Author: Cog Creators


Command Description
!alias Manage command aliases.
!alias show <alias_name> Show what command the alias executes.
!alias help <alias_name> Try to execute help for the base command of the alias.
!alias add <alias_name> <command> Add an alias for a command.
!alias global Manage global aliases.
!alias global list List the available global aliases on this bot.
!alias edit <alias_name> <command> Edit an existing alias in this server.
!alias list List the available aliases on this server.
!alias delete <alias_name> Delete an existing alias on this server.


Play audio through voice channels.

Author: Cog Creators


Command Description
!queue [page=1] List the songs in the queue.
!queue clear Clears the queue.
!queue shuffle Shuffles the queue.
!queue cleanself Removes all tracks you requested from the queue.
!queue clean Removes songs from the queue if the requester is not in the voice channel.
!queue search <search_words> Search the queue.
!playlist Playlist configuration options.
!playlist copy <id_or_name> [args] Copy a playlist from one scope to another.
!playlist append <playlist_name_OR_id> <track_name_OR_url> [args] Add a track URL, playlist link, or quick search to a playlist.
!playlist create <name> [args] Create an empty playlist.
!playlist queue <name> [args] Save the queue to a playlist.
!playlist save <name> <url> [args] Save a playlist from a url.
!playlist start <playlist_name_OR_id> [args] Load a playlist into the queue.
!playlist dedupe <playlist_name_OR_id> [args] Remove duplicate tracks from a saved playlist.
!playlist rename <playlist_name_OR_id> <new_name> [args] Rename an existing playlist.
!playlist remove <playlist_name_OR_id> <url> [args] Remove a track from a playlist by url.
!playlist delete <playlist_name_OR_id> [args] Delete a saved playlist.
!playlist list [args] List saved playlists.
!playlist update <playlist_name_OR_id> [args] Updates all tracks in a playlist.
!playlist info <playlist_name_OR_id> [args] Retrieve information from a saved playlist.
!play <query> Play the specified track or search for a close match.
!bumpplay [play_now=False] <query> Force play a URL or search for a track.
!genre Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing.
!autoplay Starts auto play.
!search <query> Pick a track with a search.
!sing Make Red sing one of her songs.
!percent Queue percentage.
!local Local playback commands.
!local search <search_words> Search for songs across all localtracks folders.
!local play Play a local track.
!local folder [folder] Play all songs in a localtracks folder.
!eq Equalizer management.
!eq list List saved eq presets.
!eq delete <eq_preset> Delete a saved eq preset.
!eq set <band_name_or_position> <band_value> Set an eq band with a band number or name and value.
!eq save [eq_preset] Save the current eq settings to a preset.
!eq reset Reset the eq to 0 across all bands.
!eq load <eq_preset> Load a saved eq preset.
!disconnect Disconnect from the voice channel.
!now Now playing.
!pause Pause or resume a playing track.
!prev Skip to the start of the previously played track.
!seek <seconds> Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or to a specific time.
!shuffle Toggle shuffle.
!shuffle bumped Toggle bumped track shuffle.
!skip [skip_to_track] Skip to the next track, or to a given track number.
!stop Stop playback and clear the queue.
!summon Summon the bot to a voice channel.
!volume [vol] Set the volume, 1% - 150%.
!repeat Toggle repeat.
!remove <index_or_url> Remove a specific track number from the queue.
!bump <index> Bump a track number to the top of the queue.
!audioset Music configuration options.
!audioset restrictions Manages the keyword whitelist and blacklist.
!audioset restrictions whitelist Manages the keyword whitelist.
!audioset restrictions whitelist add <keyword> Adds a keyword to the whitelist.
!audioset restrictions whitelist list List all keywords added to the whitelist.
!audioset restrictions whitelist clear Clear all keywords from the whitelist.
!audioset restrictions whitelist delete <keyword> Removes a keyword from the whitelist.
!audioset restrictions blacklist Manages the keyword blacklist.
!audioset restrictions blacklist add <keyword> Adds a keyword to the blacklist.
!audioset restrictions blacklist list List all keywords added to the blacklist.
!audioset restrictions blacklist clear Clear all keywords added to the blacklist.
!audioset restrictions blacklist delete <keyword> Removes a keyword from the blacklist.
!audioset maxlength <seconds> Max length of a track to queue in seconds, 0 to disable.
!audioset settings Show the current settings.
!audioset notify Toggle track announcement and other bot messages.
!audioset autodeafen Toggle whether the bot will be auto deafened upon joining the voice channel.
!audioset role <role_name> Set the role to use for DJ mode.
!audioset dailyqueue Toggle daily queues.
!audioset dc Toggle the bot auto-disconnecting when done playing.
!audioset thumbnail Toggle displaying a thumbnail on audio messages.
!audioset dj Toggle DJ mode.
!audioset vote <percent> Percentage needed for non-mods to skip tracks, 0 to disable.
!audioset emptydisconnect <seconds> Auto-disconnect from channel when bot is alone in it for x seconds, 0 to disable.
!audioset persistqueue Toggle persistent queues.
!audioset emptypause <seconds> Auto-pause after x seconds when room is empty, 0 to disable.
!audioset lyrics Prioritise tracks with lyrics.
!audioset autoplay Change auto-play setting.
!audioset autoplay toggle Toggle auto-play when there no songs in queue.
!audioset autoplay playlist <playlist_name_OR_id> [args] Set a playlist to auto-play songs from.
!audioset autoplay reset Resets auto-play to the default playlist.
!audioset countrycode <country> Set the country code for Spotify searches.
!audioset jukebox <price> Set a price for queueing tracks for non-mods, 0 to disable.
!audioset maxvolume <maximum volume> Set the maximum volume allowed in this server.
!audioset mycountrycode <country> Set the country code for Spotify searches.


The Core cog has many commands related to core functions. These commands come loaded with every Red bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.

Author: Cog Creators


Command Description
!info Shows info about [botname].
!uptime Shows [botname]'s uptime.
!mydata Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you.
!mydata getmydata [Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you.
!mydata forgetme Have [botname] forget what it knows about you.
!mydata whatdata Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why.
!mydata 3rdparty View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module.
!embedset Commands for toggling embeds on or off.
!embedset command <command> [enabled] Sets a command's embed setting.
!embedset command server <command> [enabled] Sets a commmand's embed setting for the current server.
!embedset channel [enabled] Set's a channel's embed setting.
!embedset showsettings [command] Show the current embed settings.
!embedset server [enabled] Set the server's embed setting.
!embedset user [enabled] Sets personal embed setting for DMs.
!invite Shows [botname]'s invite url.
!set Commands for changing [botname]'s settings.
!set showsettings Show the current settings for [botname].
!set deletedelay [time] Set the delay until the bot removes the command message.
!set addadminrole <role> Adds an admin role for this guild.
!set addmodrole <role> Adds a moderator role for this guild.
!set removemodrole <role> Removes a mod role for this guild.
!set usebotcolour Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds.
!set serverprefix [prefixes...] Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es).
!set nickname [nickname] Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server.
!set locale <language_code> Changes the bot's locale in this server.
!set serverfuzzy Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server.
!set removeadminrole <role> Removes an admin role for this guild.
!set regionalformat [language_code] Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers.
!contact <message> Sends a message to the owner.
!localallowlist Commands to manage the server specific allowlist.
!localallowlist clear Clears the allowlist.
!localallowlist list Lists users and roles on the server allowlist.
!localallowlist remove <users_or_roles...> Removes user or role from the allowlist.
!localallowlist add <users_or_roles...> Adds a user or role to the server allowlist.
!localblocklist Commands to manage the server specific blocklist.
!localblocklist list Lists users and roles on the server blocklist.
!localblocklist remove <users_or_roles...> Removes user or role from local blocklist.
!localblocklist clear Clears the server blocklist.
!localblocklist add <users_or_roles...> Adds a user or role to the local blocklist.
!command Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs.
!command disable <command> Disable a command.
!command disable server <command> Disable a command in this server only.
!command listdisabledcogs List the cogs which are disabled in this server.
!command enable <command> Enable a command.
!command enable server <command> Enable a command in this server.
!command enablecog <cog> Enable a cog in this server.
!command listdisabled List disabled commands.
!command listdisabled global List disabled commands globally.
!command listdisabled guild List disabled commands in this server.
!command disablecog <cog> Disable a cog in this server.
!autoimmune Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions.
!autoimmune list Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity.
!autoimmune add <user_or_role> Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions.
!autoimmune remove <user_or_role> Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions.
!autoimmune isimmune <user_or_role> Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions.
!ignore Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list.
!ignore list List the currently ignored servers and channels.
!ignore server Ignore commands in this server.
!ignore channel [channel] Ignore commands in the channel or category.
!unignore Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list.
!unignore channel [channel] Remove a channel or category from the ignore list.
!unignore server Remove this server from the ignore list.
!licenseinfo Get info about Red's licenses.


Author: Neuro Assassin


Command Description
!dashboard Group command for controlling the web dashboard for Red.
!dashboard roles Customize the roles that have permission to certain parts of the dashboard.
!dashboard roles perms Displays permission keywords matched with humanized descriptions.
!dashboard roles delete <role> Unregister a role from the dashboard.
!dashboard roles list List roles registered with dashboard.
!dashboard roles create <role> [permissions...] Register a new discord role to access certain parts of the dashboard.
!dashboard roles info <role> List permissions for a registered role.
!dashboard roles edit <role> [permissions...] Edit the permissions registered with a registered role.


Install community cogs made by Cog Creators. Community cogs, also called third party cogs, are not included in the default Red install. Community cogs come in repositories. Repos are a group of cogs you can install. You always need to add the creator&#x27;s repository using the `[p]repo` command before you can install one or more cogs from the creator.

Author: Cog Creators


Command Description
!findcog <command_name> Find which cog a command comes from.